
So I finally had a few minutes to hoist the SWTPC up on the workbench and plug in some of the new boards.  It doesn’t seem to want to talk to the terminal.

I put the CPU board I picked up on Saturday, along with the 64K SRAM board.  I had to re-read my earlier post on getting the S-BUG monitor to run to remind myself which serial port to use and such.  But I still got nothing on the terminal.  I got as far as determining that the data lines on the SS 30 bus appear to be tri-stated (though the 68B09 does seem to be running the monitor) before I had to stop for the night.

Not yet sure what’s going on, but next time I work on it I need to check the MP-ID board, which provides the select signals and buffers the data bus for the SS 30 bus, among other things.

2 Responses to “Incommunicado”

  1. Douglas Goodall Says:

    I really enjoyed reading your postings. It brought back memories about wyse 50 terminals. They were my favorite because they were the only terminals around with fast enough internals that you could run them at 38.4 without handshaking and they never corrupted. I also used the wyse for years, and when the IBM PC keyboard came along, so did pain in my left hand from reaching out for the control key. I would love to see more pictures as things get along. 🙂 /s Douglas Goodall

  2. Jochen Emmes Says:

    Hi, I’ve managed to get the system documentaion folder for the 6809 SWTPC and start to scan it and make it available online. Check out The forum is in german language, the PDFs are in english. Let me know if this help you.
    Jochen Emmes

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